all postcodes in L37 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L37 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L37 2DA 0 53.552853 -3.08019
L37 2DB 0 53.553317 -3.078511
L37 2DD 0 53.553351 -3.09042
L37 2DF 0 53.551422 -3.086312
L37 2DG 0 53.550544 -3.080041
L37 2DH 0 53.548778 -3.083482
L37 2DJ 0 53.54925 -3.084943
L37 2DL 0 53.5491 -3.079717
L37 2DN 0 53.550284 -3.083974
L37 2DP 0 53.548738 -3.080931
L37 2DQ 0 53.5495 -3.081146
L37 2DR 0 53.548439 -3.082191
L37 2DS 0 53.548387 -3.08302
L37 2DT 0 53.548324 -3.083984
L37 2DU 0 53.548499 -3.085513
L37 2DW 0 53.54922 -3.083282
L37 2DX 0 53.551154 -3.078155
L37 2DY 0 53.550922 -3.083899
L37 2DZ 0 53.551419 -3.081693
L37 2EA 0 53.555175 -3.072883